Jorrit Steetskamp

Senior full-stack developer of applications and databases
from data to information designs and develops webapplications and databases.
Translation from complex data to readable inforation is the key.
This can be done with ingredients like:
Dashboards with understandable charts
Users with specific access
Create and save reports
User-friendly forms
Data from your systems is a "one man software house".  What does this mean?

  • Management of the full project. My primary task is to finish your project successfully. After 19 years of experience I know what is needed to achieve this. I guarantee a complete end product.
  • More than programming. Let me help you with business analysis and the functional design. Your plan does not need to be crisp and clear before our cooperation can start. The analysis of your request is part of my expertise.
  • No managers and no overhead. You will have one contact during the full process. Even in my role as programmmer communication will have priority.
  • No outsourcing. I will do everything solo. In the unique situation that I will be out of scope, a relation of mine is ready to take over.
  • Always custom-made and developed from scratch. No use of CMS-systems or other templates, and also no licensing or fees.
  • Fixed pricing is possible of course. Advance payments are not needed.
  • Durable cooperation. Clients and I remain partners after delivery.

Experience (in Dutch)


Onderwijs Na de lerarenopleiding heb ik verschillende webapplicaties en databases voor het onderwijs ontwikkeld. Read more...


Zorg Voor diverse zorginstellingen en zorgspecialisten heb ik software ontwikkeld. Hulporganisaties voor vluchtelingen gebruiken een elektronisch cliëntendossier (ECD). Read more...


Geo Ik ben geschoold in geografie en stedenbouwkunde en thuis in diverse standaarden in de geografische IT, waaronder BGT/IMGeo en de Google Maps API. Read more...


Vastgoed Voor een adviesbureau in vastgoed ontwikkelde ik een database voor onderhoudsplanning. Daarnaast ervaring met projecten die voor elke ondernemer in vastgoed interessant kan zijn, zoals omtrent beleggen. Read more...

Marketing & Sales

Marketing & Sales Thuis in Data-driven marketing, guerilla marketing, loyalty marketing, ERP, productinformatie (PIM), CRM, revenue management, et cetera. Read more...

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence Bestaande data is dikwijls geaggregeerd tot management informatie. Mijn dashboards, rapportages en grafieken zijn altijd op maat gemaakt. Read more...




Since 1999 at home in environments of Microsoft, like .NET, C#, VB, ASP en WPF.



Since 1999 at home in environments based on PHP, like Laravel and Symfony.



SQL is my digital mother language. Much experience with Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, but also with Oracle, PostgreSQL, Access and MongoDB.



Several frontend techniques, like jQuery, Bootstrap and CSS, but Vue is favorite.


These considerations will help getting things done:

  • Your project can be fulfilled for a fixed price, as soon as there is a functional design.
  • I also can support your project continiously. With every assignment you will get a meaningful indication of needed hours in advance.
  • I work for multiple clients simultaneously, so our cooperation will be according to Dutch law.
  • Assigments will be planned on a digital scrum board, showing both pre- and post-calculation of hours.
  • Mostly you will become intellectual owner of the source code.
  • Conditions written in the "NLdigital Voorwaarden 2020" apply to my services. You can download them here.
  • Trading names Jorr IT and Rezept are registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 34195800 and at the Dutch tax authorities under number NL002165134B03.
  • I have a professional liability insurance.
  • Now you read this far, you might be interested in me as a person. My fascination is there where engineering and free expression meet. Think of architecture, electronic music, photography, language or user experience. And I love ice skating, camping, USA cars and last but not least my family.


Phone +31-626690398
MS Teams
Skype jorrit_73
Zoom 7819080669
LinkedIn /in/jorritsteetskamp
GitHub /jorr-it
Stack Overflow /story/

© 2025 Jorr IT / Jorrit Steetskamp